How to prepare for your interview session like dating session at Curtin

Today has been pretty fruitful and fulfilling. I sense positive responses from the Ad340 students from Curtin during this evening’s class on “How to prepare for your interview session”.

I wished i had taped the session down and upload some moments here and share it with you guys.

Finding a job is like dating. You be going through wooing session, dates, impressing your way to be picked by the other party. As such, I’ve conducted the session using dating as an analogy to explain the dos and don’t for an interview session. Here are some of the key notes on Strongerhead ways to prepare for your interview:
1) No blind dates – do your home work
2) Don’t wait to be dated – take initiative
3) Don’t give others the wrong idea if you are not interested
4) Intimidated with your date
5) Never drown your date with your voice
6) Know how to impress your date
7) Watch out for tell tale signs to understand why are the questions asked
8) The meaning behind the question time frame
9) Asking the right questions to get your ahead
10) Remember to kiss good bye – thank you note
11) Do not under estimate the deadly effects of mosquito bites – other things to look out for such as dressing, posture, handshake, etc…

I hope this would serve as a recap to all the students who attended my class this evening. And hope the key points would give you some insights into what you can do to prepare for your ‘hot interview date’.

Will be conducting more sessions like this. Be sure to follow me on twitter or facebook to find out the dates and venues for such sessions.

Cheers and all the best to your interviews and job hunt.
