Jason Tan Strongerhead Testimonial for Conrad at Wealth Academy Expo 2012

There’s always this constant struggle among many of you. it is a question between which is better, staying employ or unemployed? We are all conditioned to believe if you are employ, you have financial security. If you are unemployed, you be in financial trouble.

Are we asking ourself the wrong question? Maybe it is time to rethink our beliefs about employment and find a way to stay unemploy instead.

Last Sunday, 2 Sept 2012, I’ve been given the privilege to stand on the same stage with Mr Conrad in front of 5000 people at the Wealth Expo 2012, and gave a short speech about the importance of Financial IQ (visit http://www.conradalvinlim.com/ for some insights). It is the ultimate survival skill that everyone should acquire besides the formal education that you have or are presently doing at your schools and/or universities. it is one skill that allows you the choice of staying employ or unemployed.

My beloved wife help to take a video of the mini speech i did. From the video, i hope you would be able to understand why i always wanted to retire at age 35. Not because i do not want to work anymore. But because i do not wish to be held ‘ransom’ as a salaried worker after 35.

I hope you too would be able to do the same too.

cheers and i hope you enjoy the video by clicking on the link below.

Jason Tan Strongerhead testi for Conrad at Wealth Expo 2012

If link doesn’t work, visit http://youtu.be/kbQordXOKbo