This is it

This is it. i finally resign from my post. It was a really hard and tough decision to make. I really felt that it was easier to hold on then to let go. At my current level, current salary range, and current achievement, letting go a job without another job at the present economic situation is not a wise choice. But i took it as an opportunity for me to NOT WORK FOR MONEY. From now till end of Dec, i’ll work towards my goal to not work for money. WIll be busy generating ideas and doing things that will help me achieve my financial freedom. This is it. Follow me closely and i’kk share with you my moves and how i intend to achieve my dreams. Hopefully by 2011, i need not have to look for a job anymore. Of coz, even if i fail in this attempt, i’ll make several attempts before i hit 35. My goal is to retire by 35 remember.

Wish me luck.